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Check if in the compiler directory there is g.exe.If you can see it go to: Installing c/g on Windows. And download the file full.exe then follow the instruction and put the directory in path. Checks whether c is an alphabetic letter. Notice that what is considered a letter depends on the locale being used; In the default 'C' locale, what constitutes a letter is only what returns true by either isupper or islower. Using other locales, an alphabetic character is a character for which isupper or islower would return true, or another character explicitly considered alphabetic by the.
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A for loop is a repetition control structure that allows you to efficiently write a loop that needs to execute a specific number of times.
The syntax of a for loop in C++ is −
Here is the flow of control in a for loop −
The init step is executed first, and only once. This step allows you to declare and initialize any loop control variables. You are not required to put a statement here, as long as a semicolon appears.
Next, the condition is evaluated. If it is true, the body of the loop is executed. If it is false, the body of the loop does not execute and flow of control jumps to the next statement just after the for loop.
After the body of the for loop executes, the flow of control jumps back up to the increment statement. This statement can be left blank, as long as a semicolon appears after the condition.
The condition is now evaluated again. If it is true, the loop executes and the process repeats itself (body of loop, then increment step, and then again condition). After the condition becomes false, the for loop terminates.
Flow Diagram
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −
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The C library function int isalpha(int c) checks if the passed character is alphabetic.
Following is the declaration for isalpha() function.
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c − This is the character to be checked.
Return Value
This function returns non-zero value if c is an alphabet, else it returns 0.
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The following example shows the usage of isalpha() function.
Let us compile and run the above program, to produce the following result −